Coming Home:
Natural Living in a Modern World

This is a film series set in St. Petersburg, FL, featuring local teachers and sustainable living leaders in the fields of permaculture, food fermentation, and herbalism.


For the first film,
Rissa and her team won
“Best Documentary”
in the local
Sunshine City
Film Festival 2021

The Coming Home Film Series was inspired by Geoff Lawton and the advice he gave on his YouTube channel during the initial Covid-19 lockdowns of 2020, in which he gives his top three recommendation books on permaculture:

  1. “Permaculture: A Designer’s Manual,” by Bill Mollison [download for free]

  2. “The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition,” by Bill Mollison [free pdf]

  3. “How Can I Use Herbs in My Daily Life?” by Isabell Shipard [order online, email, or phone]

With a desire to take action, I decided to film teachers in my own city, St. Petersburg, Florida, who are local experts in these fields:

  1. Permaculture - Jen Andreani and her Bluehouse Regenerative Living Project

  2. Fermentation - Sarah Arrazola and St. Pete Ferments —- [in process]

  3. Herbalism -—- [TBD]